Hamer USA Double-Cut Tommy Shaw Signature Electric Guitar Sunburst + OHSC



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Lovies Guitars is Excited to offer up this Hamer Double-Cut Tommy Shaw Signature Electric Guitar with a Sunburst Finish! This Axe is from Tommy Shaw’s (STYX) personal guitar collection. This guitar has great tone and playability. Plugged in, this axe has some really nice meaty growls and great vintage like overtones! Really shimmery highs that don’t get harsh. It plays great, has a perfect neck and a quick action. Great Shape with many tiny indents and marks all over the body, minor nitro burn at the neck joint, some headstock marks and an indent at the truss rod cover, 8.5/10. The battery cover was originally held down with tape but has been fixed. Theres a button by the switch that doesn’t appear to do anything. ALL Original. NO Breaks, Cracks or Repairs! Includes an Original Hard Shell Case and a Free Sample of Fret-Not, our favorite fretboard cleaner out there, check it out at fretnot.net!

WEIGHS in at: 8.15 lbs

.839” at the 1st fret

.860” at the 12th fret

Nut Width: 1 11/16”

Serial: 128112

SKU: 4540

14 Day Money back return policy. Buy with confidence.

All guitars are GUARANTEED to arrive in described condition for full refund will be issued. All guitars are fully insured and we will deal with any claims.

Lovies Guitars has CITES Master File and Certificates will be issued when and where needed. Also Declaration Friendly.